From Gibraltar most of us hopped a ferry in Algeciras to go to Morocco (Tanger). If you don't learn anything else about travel in Morocco,
Don't Drink the Water! Don't eat the produce (it's been washed in the water). Don't drink the tea (the water hasn't been boiled long enough). If you go swimming, keep your mouth closed. Several of us that went to Morocco were sick the following week.
Otherwise, Morocco was nice. We stayed two nights in the hotel Chellah, and went on a couple of hotel organized excursions in Tanger. I wouldn't recommend using the hotel's concierge service if you can avoid it because the prepackaged trips are all designed to play into American stereotypes of Arab culture, and the bad stereotypes at that.

Yay camel rides!

Heracles Cave. We were taken there on our tour.

The shuttle ride back to the ferry.